A number of Swordsman Schools converted over from 1st edition into Duelist Styles for 2nd edition.
Dono's Gaming & Etc Blog
A number of Swordsman Schools converted over from 1st edition into Duelist Styles for 2nd edition.
Dono's Gaming & Etc Blog
Hi everyone!
I have a couple of doubts about the duelist styles:
1- A Style Maneuver can only be used once in a round, or it follows the standard rules for dueling maneuvers (unless its specific rule says another thing, of course)?
Link to thread on reddit:
(Thanks to Mike Curry for taking the time to answer these)
Dono's Gaming & Etc Blog
This text is intended to clarify my ideas about how maneuvers and styles fit together in 7th Sea to counter or prevent each other in the flow of combat. “Counter” means “used in response,” and “prevent” means “used to discourage or stop.” I’m not trying to rewrite the book here, so I will not list all of the mechanics or the descriptive text. Pages 235 - 239 have the full mechanics.
So after reading this post ( by Rob Donahue (really like the Lacanne, can't stand Rebus), I was inspired to take a crack at converting a couple of the old 1e Swordsman Schools into 2e Duelist Styles.
Dono's Gaming & Etc Blog
Okay, so as I understand it, the only way for a Villain to inflict more than one wound with a Raise is for them to purchase a Duelist Style with the pool of Advantage points they start with (Strength+5).
Dono's Gaming & Etc Blog