QUOTE: Mark Diaz Truman (published 2017-04-30, Sunday)
While it’s coming in just under the wire, we’re excited about our April 2017 Production Update! Thanks for your patience this month; we’ve been busy with our noses to the grindstone and our hands wet with ink!
Nations of Théah: Volume 1 (Final Release)
Now that we’ve finally finished all the print proofing for Nations of Théah: Volume 1, we’re ready to release the final PDF on DTRPG:

Nations of Théah: Volume 1
Liberty! Equality! Freedom!
Change is coming to Theah’s western nations. Tensions rise as disenfranchised, war-weary people grow restless under the unrelenting rule of the nobility. Now, the people look towards revolution as the only respite.
This book contains material for 7th Sea: Second Edition including new Backgrounds, Advantages, Dueling styles and new monsters. It also includes expanded setting information for Theah’s four western nations.
- Avalon, including a look at Queen Elaine’s Court, the Sidhe, various locations in the Glamour Isles and an expansion on Glamour Sorcery
- Castille, including an inside view into the Church and Inquisition, the ducados of Castille and Alquimia, an all new Sorcery for Castille
- Montaigne, including a look into the royal family and l’Empereur’s court, the Montaigne countryside and an expansion on Porte Sorcery
- Vestenmennavenjar, including a look into the Vendel League, the jarls of Vesten, the ongoings of the various cities in Vesten and Galdr, an all new Sorcery for Vesten
Adventure, political intrigue and upheaval lurks around every corner. Are you ready to take up the cause?
As with other final digital files, this sourcebook will be pushed out to backers via Backerkit by Monday. If you didn’t get an email from Backerkit, you can grab the files directly from the Backerkit Digital Downloads page:
Look for the full Nations of Théah: Volume 1 PDF to go on sale this next week! We’ll have print copies out to backers and up for sale on our webstore by the end of May.
Nations of Théah: Volume 2 (Backer Preview)
Just as Nations of Théah: Volume 1 is hitting DTRPG, we’re ready to release our first preview for Nations of Théah: Volume 2! While we're still waiting on a good portion of the art, the text and systems are ready for backers to preview.

Nations of Théah: Volume 2
Like NoT: Volume 1, NoT: Volume 2 covers four Théan Nations: Eisen, Ussura, The Sarmatian Commonwealth, and Vodacce. Probe the secrets of these eastern lands, where magic grows thick and dangerous and backstabbing intrigue lurks around every corner.
This sourcebook preview has also been pushed out to backers via Backerkit. If you didn’t get an email from Backerkit, you can grab the file directly from the Backerkit Digital Downloads page:
If for some reason your Backerkit doesn’t have the file, please message us via Kickstarter and we’ll get it sorted out for you. We can’t wait to get your feedback on our newest book!
As before… please don’t email or post in the comments with your feedback. With over 11,000 backers, that would overwhelm our ability to deal with emails and comments. Instead give us feedback via this link by May 5th at 10:00pm Eastern:
We’ll be sending this book to the printer in early May, so look for final PDFs then and actual books by June!
Production Update: April 2017
On that note, we have a bunch of updates to our overall production update for this month.
- Pirate Nations: COMPLETE (Order Print Copies Here!)
- Nations of Théah, Vol 1: At Printer
- Nations of Théah, Vol 2: Layout to Proofing, delivery set to May 2017
- The New World: Adjusted delivery to June 2017
- The Crescent Empire: Dev Editing to Copy Editing, delivery set to June 2017
- The Colonies: Writing to Dev Editing, delivery set to August 2017
- Secret Society: Writing to Dev Editing, delivery set to August 2017
- Pirate’s Booty: Adjusted delivery to June 2017
- GM Screen: Adjusted delivery to June 2017
- Storium World: Adjusted delivery to May 2017
- Treasure Chests: Set delivery for May 2017
- Daughter of Fate: At Printer
- Born Under a Black Flag: Adjusted delivery to May 2017
- The Gossamer Empire: Set delivery to August 2017
Our proofing for Nations of Théah: Volume 1 took a bit longer than usual, so we’re now waiting on the books to get back from the printer. We expect to see them in a few weeks! Nations of Théah: Volume 2 (as above) will go to the printer in May, so we expect to ship those to backers in June. The New World is a bit delayed (I’ve been busy with taxes and other JWP business stuff), but we still hope to have that book out on PDF in June along with Crescent Empire and Lands of Gold and Fire.
While we hoped to ship the Pirate's Booty and all the dice/decks/cards in April, our printer in China took longer to finalize the dice than we hoped. Here's a few previews:
Sorte Preview
Luckily, all of those materials, including the GM Screens, are already on boats headed to their various ports! Check out this video of everything loaded up on pallets (SPOILER: it's a lot of pallets):
It takes a few weeks for stuff to cross over from China, but we expect to ship these to backers at the end of May/first week of June. We’ll keep you all posted in the May Production Update. (You’ll notice we have a LOT of stuff coming out in May…)
JWP Retreat 2017
Last week, the JWP staff convened in New Mexico for our first-ever staff retreat. For some of us, it was also our first-ever time meeting in person! In addition to enjoying the amazing food and sunshine of New Mexico, everyone had the opportunity to give a presentation about their role at JWP, and to present ideas about future projects to the whole team.

John Shares His Origin Story
Presentations included the history of JWP and 7th Sea, a behind-the-scenes look at art direction and layout, a media training and big-picture business overview, and planning for both of our much-anticipated Kickstarters this year: The War of the Cross and 7th Sea: The East. We also enjoyed conversations about potential new games and games that take place in existing worlds of John’s creation. It’s too early to share these ideas now, but keep an ear to the ground and an eye on the sky.

The War of the Cross... Coming Soon!
We're so excited about what the next five years holds for the John Wick Presents staff. We think of the 7th Sea: Second Edition Kickstarter as just the beginning!
The Spirit of 7th Sea
Finally, if you haven’t listened already, we’re happy to share one of our newest projects—the Spirit of the 7th Sea podcast. Join Hannah, John, and the 7th Sea crew for a once-monthly behind-the-scenes look at the triumphant return of 7th Sea.

Spirit of 7th Sea
In the first episode, John sits down with Hannah to talk about the whirlwind success of 2nd edition and the creative inspiration behind 7th Sea.
In the second episode, Hannah is joined by 7th Sea cartographer Mark Richardson to talk iconic geography, expanding Théah, and creating new coastlines ripe for exploring.
Follow along on libsyn or subscribe on iTunes and check back next month for a brand new episode.
And... that's it! We'll be back in a few weeks with an update for May!