Maybe it's equivalent of not getting your land legs after a wild and crazy cruise but when I check and sea the numbers not still going up - I is the sad
Tue, 03/29/2016 - 13:21
Does anyone else feel weird not being able to see new movement on the KS everyday
Only a little. I like being productive. And following the comments on the kickstarter just ate my time.
While the kickstarter was fun to watch (and I did watch it obsessively), I'm just as happy with having the forums here to read through to keep my interest.
I do miss the kind of frantic energy of the campaign and the community that rose up out of it; but I am with Jenny in that I am very happy to have a forum to keep the momentum going. By the way, Congrats on 1000 posts.
“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.”
- H.L. Mencken
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
@TrueIskandar, I listed out all the sites I found at this link below, so moved your question and @Krupp's detailed response to join that growing list (which includes a cool Reddit for 7th Sea too).
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
A short comment "Watching paint dry" causes less boredom that waiting for the "1st Edition of 7th Sea PDFs" from John Wick Presents today.
So if someone here gets wind of the update quickly, feel free to post it here for us to debae.
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
Latest updated by John Wick still stays 1st edition PDFs will appear tonight, though time is running out.
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
It tickles me every time someone posts that, that everyone is looking at my question about card sizes :-).
Morgan Wolfe
aka Capt. Doña Sir Kestrel of Avalon
The exact timing of the release is likely to be spread out over days. It is my guess that the list JWP got from KS is not something they can just hand over to Drivethru. My guess is that someone at JWP is working as fast as they can, basically copying, pasting, and clicking OK about 11000 times.
“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.”
- H.L. Mencken
@Doctor, that is why we have software. Programmed correctly, it can protect your privacy and yet still allow linking of the Usernames to the Email addresses to sendout the PDF links.
So John Wick's team should have said Surveys will be sent out on this day and those who respond early get their PDFs a day after they respond. Software can actually send out the PDFs immediatley the survey is completed (we do that here when you forget yoru password and need a reminder).
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
I've got mine, just in time for my follow-up session to the quickstart.
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
How vital is the info in the Compendium? I'm sure it's all useful to some degree, but is it "good to have on hand in case an issue arises" useful or "I should review this just thoroughly as the PG and GMG" useful?
Two more related questions:
1) For a new GM and 2-3 PCs (though none are new to RPing), what's the best premade adventure to act as an intro to the system/world?
2) Does 7th Sea favor smaller or larger party sizes? Some companies tend to favor parties of a specific size, most notably D&D with 4.
I got mine BUT I think it might be missing some stuff. Weren't the Swashbuckling Adventures books said to be included as well?
Swashbuckling Adventures got hung up on some rights transfer issues. My guess is someone forgot to call someone else's lawyer to get the right releases for things released under a D20 imprint. It's possible that no one is at fault and DrivethruRPG is just doing its due diligence and no one at WoTC's legal team could be reached on a weekend. Anyway, they will be released in a second wave.
“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.”
- H.L. Mencken
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
I for one am just as happy not having the siren song of the KS to draw me away from other things that need doing.
It's bad enough that a new document on an ancestor from my sister got me back into genealogy research again, and I got almost nothing else done for over a week (which is also why I posted nothing here -- earlier this evening "new and updated topic" went into three pages!). On the up side, I may have finally broken the Great Wall of the Atlantic and traced one of our lines back to Ireland.
I'll try to keep up a little better
Morgan Wolfe
aka Capt. Doña Sir Kestrel of Avalon
(Thread necro here...)
I'm just wishing we had some substantial news at this point. Getting the 1e PDFs is nice, but I'm really digging the 2e rules from the quickstart, and I'm eager for more!
I don't have any patience, I'm not a doctor!
All kidding aside, I guess I am being a bit impatient. My apologies to one and all.
I'm with you, Code Ronin. It's just too quiet on the western front. Sure, it's nice to have the 1st ed PDFs now, but I had most of those in my library already. So I'm jonesing for previews.
I feel like they are overdue for an update post.
“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.”
- H.L. Mencken
Is that a good update? :)
What major re-writes do you mean?
I tend to agree. While there's a lot that's good in this book (and fantastic art), I cannot shake the feeling that it needs at least 4 more weeks in the oven. Typos etc we'll get and report in the first 2 weeks (I already have a list of problems on German and sometimes French as well), but some sections require rewriting, either because important information is missing or unclear, or because they just read like a quick blog entry of a modern american tourist who visited Théah - bad flow, bad mood and weird language.
Add to that the things which might need to change in the rules, and which the community will only spot after a month of playtesting and I cannot see how this will get printed before August.
I read the SC sections and I agree with you. They're just so uncool. The narrative about DK forgets to tell us where did they learn that monsters exist and what did they learn. R&K are boring, and SD sufferred the hardest nerfhammer I've ever seen. Ok, they were overpowered, but there's definitely some middle ground between 'ancient all-knowning cult behind most courts and many major events' and 'recent tiny off-spring of rilasciare', particularly in a world where porté still harms the world.
This section should have been marked as gm only (after all there's already a summary earlier in the book) and catch this feeling that every secret society has a secret which makes them convinced they're right and they can sacrifice everything for their purpose. Now they look like hobby clubs.
Speaking of language translation issues, the name for Ussuran Sorcery is horrible. It's completely grammatically incorrect; Russian doesn't use the 's posessive and the word they're using is the infinitive form of the word. My wife is a native Russian speaker and did her college degree in Russian language and literature. According to her, even if you were to make it grammatically correct, it would still basically translate to "Mother is molesting you."
It's even more inappropriate when you consider the art currently included for that page.
Um, I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes, but I thought that one was the Polish society, not the Russian one?
Edit: I'm sorry I misread the original statement. The complaint about the Russian Sorcery makes a lot more sense. :)
Did you send that as feeback?
Yes I did, although I don't recall if I explained it in detail or just said that my wife said the name really needed to be replaced with something else. I also included several alternatives and the translation for them.
A history section would be nice.
Likely to come during the Nations of Theah books.
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e