So I received the download link, two of them actually, in an e-mail today and evidently you only get one try each. After that, Drive Thru RPG says they are invalid links and you have used them the maximum number of times. Sorry that the download timed out but that is your problem.
If you get the links via Email, then a second email actually confirms the link is forever linked to your account.

The confirmation email is like the one below. This means the products remain available for download at a later date in your DriveThruRPG account.
The sheer volume of fans hitting DriveThruRPG have almost crippled the DriveThruRPG Servers. I had to download mine one-by-one.
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
The problem I had was that as it compressed the files and what not before the save link appeared, it would time out. When I tried again I would be told that hte link is no longer valid. On the last try I was told that Drive Thru RPG was experiencing a high traffic and try again later.
May have to do the one at a time route.
I haven't gotten the links yet. I hope I'm not the only one still waiting. :)
Well, True Iskander, most of us are not able to get all the PDFs downloaded.
I only got the core book of the 1st edition. Now this message is greeting me.
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
I expect it's just due to everyone trying all at once. A server can only take so much punishment before it gives up. =) I think I shall wait a day or two and try again to get mine, since once you go through checkout and get them in your library they should be available for download forever (for a definition of forever that implies the life of the drivethrurpg site).
TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e
Good to hear. I still haven't gotten mine, and I think I (and probably others) are worried it's something we did wrong on our end.
I literally had to download them one at a time. If you try to download more than that, DTRPG just crashes. I did end up getting them all though.
I noticed when getting mine... that I only got 30 books. All the Swashbuckling adventures books didn't seem to be in the link...
Ah, ok. Wasn't sure if I missed something or not. Glad to know it is just the way things are :)
From the email with the download link: "This first bundle of 7th Sea: 1st Edition PDFs contains the original run of 7th Sea products from AEG. DTRPG is in the middle of transferring the Swashbuckling Adventures PDFs to us (eta: next week), but we didn't want you to have to wait any longer! Enjoy!"
Morgan Wolfe
aka Capt. Doña Sir Kestrel of Avalon
Not an issue exactly, but I noticed there's a non-d20 book called The Montaigne Revolution that wasn't included in the package. Does anyone know why, and if there are any others that haven't been made available yet? I'm just curious if there's a reason for it.
I have Montaigne Revolution in my account. I also know for sure that it wasn't one of the ones I had in pdf form from DriveThru before the bundle, because I had made a scan of my old physical copy when it fell apart and was using that when I needed to reference something. (It was also pre-SBA so, it's just R&K rules.)