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Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture
New Features (donations to upgrade site)
We have a nice but limited fansite right now. If we want additional features (many are possible) donations may be needed. :-(
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TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture

I can happily and conveniently sustatin the site in its current iteration. angel

We have the following featuers arleady: 

  • Active Forums 
  • Shareable Blogs 
  • Rudimentary Meetups
  • Aggregates of Reddit Feeds
  • Links to Official 7th Sea Websites
  • Social Media Logins (and traditional Logins)
  • Subscriptions to existing threads and content
  • Game-oriented user profiles (in progress, signatures already done)

Without an upgrade, new features recently trialed were throwing "techncial tantrums".

Thus, we can all just enjoy what we have going right and postpone any plans for upgrades.

Or we could start the process for the upgrades early and share ideas on options.

Hosting Reviews 2016

One of the hosting companies mentioned in the review above, MediaTemple, collapsed on a friend recently. :-(

We will not be adding advertisements so hopefullhy no "big donors" ask for this provision. 

Thank you.


TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture

Watching the server and network struggles by DriveThruRPG, we shall give a few more days so fans can still visit 7thSea2e.com and rant a bit about their frustration getting those PDFs.

Once most people are happy with the 1st edition PDFs they received, we will take one weekend out for our own site upgrade here.

Thanks to those who have donated to make this a reality.

TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

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