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Vote: Subscriptions to Forum Digest

Vote: Subscriptions to Forum Digest

Continue subscriptions to Forums digest
13% (1 vote)
STOP subscriptions (will manually add if wanted)
88% (7 votes)
Total votes: 8


Cthulhu Netobvious's picture
  • by Cthulhu Netobvious
  • Aug 26, 2016
Okay, the first 4 of you that voted, have these subscriptions stopped. I wanted to "blanket" stop them but choice is better. ;-)
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture
  • by Cthulhu Netobvious
  • Aug 26, 2016

Okay, looking at the polling trend, we will unsubscribe everyone (except GMs) from the Email Digest and if you want to receive it, then you need to vote YES or contact us later or change the setting yourself followign the steps in Subscription Config

IMPORTANT: GMs need to vote if you wish to change your existign state. The default remains your existing state. So those of you who stopped subscrptions will remain stopped. And those who receive them will continue receiving them.

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