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Alfredo Tarancón
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Not sure if this is proper, or there's already a place around to post this kind of things, but I found this article that is not specifically about 7th Sea, but I thought it could be really interesting. I thought that instead of starting a thread just to share this it could be good to have a repository of this kind of links...

32 Marooners, Castaways or Survivors in the Water by Black Shark Entreprises. They have a few useful posts. 



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Cthulhu Netobvious
Cthulhu Netobvious's picture

Thank you, @AlfredoTarancón for starting this thread.

I got inspired to linclude the following list from Rob Ossian's collection of historic Pirates and Explorers (including inspiration biographies): 


TAJ-07: Technopriest And Justicar Of 7thSea2e

Alfredo Tarancón
Alfredo Tarancón's picture

Another interesting article by blackshark...

20 Positions on a Ship Besides the Captain



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